They Say We are Different



28/02/16 edited 2day

A Leader in Every Sphere of Life

The above is said about rani (believe thats her nick), a Bengali Indian, president of u of h, seems 2b highly admired by the Americans. I don't know her personally but read a few articles on her, 1 of them written by her self.

Her leadership seems 2 me is driven in a classical American way ie., like corporate CEOs r advised connecting more with their employees, she does with students (but I can't c any merit of a univ president patting the back of a freshman or others will inspire them for getting good grades), raise fund n keep expanding the research money 2 bring in new innovations.

I haven't read much about the result on research increased vs new innovations ratio or outcome. 1st of all I was surprised 2 c the decision of attempting 2 turn u of h in2 a research univ. when there r already highly rated nationally n also very heavily funded well recognised universities in Texas eg., univ of tx system, rice, Baylor,smu. Is the growth sustainable ie., will the research money will allways b available given the other big names r much ahead in the game? Her another corporate like mgmt style is 2 hobnob with celebrities by providing scholarships for the local teenage celebrities. Whereas an aspiring national research univ shud b talking n looking for all sorts of talents from all over the world n us thru adequate scholarship pgms.

The reason, u might think me being critical, but actually objective about ranis mgmt is bcoz I hav worked under similar talk all do nothing Indian mgmt who was heavily rewarded by his American bosses but was never understood by me then. I was rather muted so that nothing -ve goes out in my reportings. Of course after a few jaw breaking punch reports none of which the American clowns sitting in Mumbai, London, ny in the name of matrix mgmt cud prove wrong. It took me 5 yrs of working with these nincompoops n aft that 15 more yrs 2 c how they unveil a nation destruction pgm designed by these 3 nations "bankers". So that is y amidst all these hyped up publicity by rani herself or others, which looks 2 me more promoting her rather then showing true achievements, brings out the question wot lies behind the scene?

PS: in citibank the following replacement of the Indian was a Brit.  This was exactly in a similar role but less talkative. 1 xtra quality this 1 had was he wud do facial caricatures 2 show his annoyance if he cud remotely smell even a constructive criticism about his predecessor. So the east India cos divide n conquer is very much alive, in with it new imperialist america n its multi or metanational companies. It, afterall, runs in the family blood regardless wot they preach the world.


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