
Monotheism of Allah n believe in his prophets, his created malaikas (angels), akhera (that all will b given life again for final judgement), sustenance is solely provided by Allah (rijik). These r the basis of believing in Islam. Now when we say that we don't discriminate among his  prophets we mean that they were all prophets of Islam as they all preached monotheism but since they were limited 2 a tribe or region their Islam was named after either the tribe or region. As for example the prophets of bani israeli's (childrens of prophet Israel alehis salam) Islam was named then yahud (Jews), then came the name nasara (a place in filistin where the prophet isa ibna Mariam or isa (Jesus) son of mariam (Mary) aleyhes salams came from) for the Islam after prophet musa (Moses) aleyhes salam. So prophets musa n isa both were among the bani Israelis as prophets of Islam but under different names. So, as Muslims we do not discriminate among allahs prophets. They were all in allahs mission 2 preach Islam. They came when he deemed it was necessary 2 send a teacher/ messenger among people. As people kept on changing the religion it was necessary 2 send sometimes new prophets with another book of allahs instruction but the basic teachings remaining same. Thus we c taurat (torah) given 2 prophet musa n ingil (bible) given 2 prophet isa for their respective people. In this continuity finally came prophet Mohammad sallel lahu aleyhe wasallum (saw, peace b upon him). The book that was given 2 him is known as Quran. Allah declared with sending him he has sealed the risalat meaning he won't send any more prophets bcoz prophet Mohammad has been sent as "rahmatallil alamin" as Allah's blessing for the entire human kind not just for a single tribe or region. Any1 who had read the Quran will notice that it is a complete code of life which can b applied on any country in any region of the world provided the people of the country agree 2 live by its rules. Thus the necessity of risalat is over as in Quran Allah says that as promised thru Quran n prophet Mohammad he has now given human their "complete deen (religion/ guidance)". Now it is up2 every individual 2 understand n follow Islam. Finally then we r Muslims following the last n updated 2b practical till kiyamah (the day Allah will end all his creations) allahs only book Quran which is w/o any distortion or contradiction, but also believe that all prophets since  first prophet adom (Adam) aleyhes salam 2 the last prophet Mohammad were sent in2 this earth 2 preach monotheism n khilafat (allahs sovereign rule on earth) n in that sense they r all respected prophets of Islam. As salamu alyka ya iyuhan nabiu (plural) wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu (peace n blessings 2 all the nabis (prophets) from Allah).


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