Some people don't understand the merit of throwing pebbles, some even say it is not obligatory. The Piccard dosen't mention that it is reenactment of an incident where shytwan was targeted with the pebbles while it was trying 2 mislead.
Next, I beleive, a very important point on visiting prophet Mohammad saw in medina. 2 me it is absolute ignorance/ arrogance 2 doubt or create controversy on visiting medina after hajj. However, some relevant points hilighted.
Pebbles jamarat at shaytaan or remember Allah
There is absolutely no doubt that there is no Shaytaan tied at the jamaaraat or the pillars where the pilgrims throw their pebbles in Muna, nor is that the residence of the Shaytaan, nor is he placed there!
Like the ehram, and the Maqam-e-Ibraheem (Station of Ibraheem), and the tawaaf, and the sai, and the mounts Safa and Marwa, and the plains of Muna, Muzdalifah, and Arafah, etc.the three jamaraat pillars at Muna too are amongst the Shaer or Signs of Allah Subhanah on this earth.
The rite of stoning or throwing pebbles at the Jamaraat pillars is one amongst the obligatory rites of the pilgrimage of Hajj, in commemoration of the enormous sacrifices of the choicest friend of Allah, the noble Prophet and Messenger of Allah, Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.). It is recorded in the Sunnah that when Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.) at the Command of his Lord, was just about to sacrifice his first-born son, the noble Messenger of Allah Hadrat Ismail (a.s.), the Shaytaan tried to dissuade Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.) and raise doubts in his heart. Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.), displaying his absolute submission unto every Command of his Lord, threw pebbles in that direction; moved to a place slightly further and again the same thing happened and again he threw some pebbles. This incident happened three times, and three times the Noble Messenger of Allah, Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.) threw pebbles in that direction..such was this subservience and submission and obedience of Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.) being ready to sacrifice his own son at one Command of his Lord accepted by Allah Subhanah, that the Lord ordained this rite of throwing pebbles at the Jamaarat in commemoration of the great sacrifice of his choicest friend and Khaleel, Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.), as one of the obligatory rites of Hajj.
Thus when one throws pebbles at the Jamaarat as a rite of Hajj, it is not that one is actually stoning a Shaytaan who is tied or placed there, but rather as a commemoration of the act done by the Noble Messenger, Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.). Just as in normal circumstances, the ultimate sign of showing ones disapproval at some one or some thing is to throw pebbles at it.the stoning of the Jamaarat symbolizes our disapproval of every one, every thing, and every act which is disapproved by our Lord Most Majestic, Most Supreme.
Thus in effect, both statements, the stoning of the Shaytaan or the Remembrance of Allah when throwing pebbles at the Jamaarat are accurate..for without an iota of a doubt, the Shaytaan is an enemy of Allah and the believers, and our throwing of the pebbles epitomizes our complete abhorrence of every enemy of our Lord Most High, Most Majestic, Most Supreme.
Some people don't understand the merit of throwing pebbles, some even say it is not obligatory. The Piccard dosen't mention that it is reenactment of an incident where shytwan was targeted with the pebbles while it was trying 2 mislead.
Next, I beleive, a very important point on visiting prophet Mohammad saw in medina. 2 me it is absolute ignorance/ arrogance 2 doubt or create controversy on visiting medina after hajj. However, some relevant points hilighted.
Pebbles jamarat at shaytaan or remember Allah
There is absolutely no doubt that there is no Shaytaan tied at the jamaaraat or the pillars where the pilgrims throw their pebbles in Muna, nor is that the residence of the Shaytaan, nor is he placed there!
Like the ehram, and the Maqam-e-Ibraheem (Station of Ibraheem), and the tawaaf, and the sai, and the mounts Safa and Marwa, and the plains of Muna, Muzdalifah, and Arafah, etc.the three jamaraat pillars at Muna too are amongst the Shaer or Signs of Allah Subhanah on this earth.
The rite of stoning or throwing pebbles at the Jamaraat pillars is one amongst the obligatory rites of the pilgrimage of Hajj, in commemoration of the enormous sacrifices of the choicest friend of Allah, the noble Prophet and Messenger of Allah, Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.). It is recorded in the Sunnah that when Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.) at the Command of his Lord, was just about to sacrifice his first-born son, the noble Messenger of Allah Hadrat Ismail (a.s.), the Shaytaan tried to dissuade Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.) and raise doubts in his heart. Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.), displaying his absolute submission unto every Command of his Lord, threw pebbles in that direction; moved to a place slightly further and again the same thing happened and again he threw some pebbles. This incident happened three times, and three times the Noble Messenger of Allah, Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.) threw pebbles in that direction..such was this subservience and submission and obedience of Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.) being ready to sacrifice his own son at one Command of his Lord accepted by Allah Subhanah, that the Lord ordained this rite of throwing pebbles at the Jamaarat in commemoration of the great sacrifice of his choicest friend and Khaleel, Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.), as one of the obligatory rites of Hajj.
Thus when one throws pebbles at the Jamaarat as a rite of Hajj, it is not that one is actually stoning a Shaytaan who is tied or placed there, but rather as a commemoration of the act done by the Noble Messenger, Hadrat Ibraheem (a.s.). Just as in normal circumstances, the ultimate sign of showing ones disapproval at some one or some thing is to throw pebbles at it.the stoning of the Jamaarat symbolizes our disapproval of every one, every thing, and every act which is disapproved by our Lord Most Majestic, Most Supreme.
Thus in effect, both statements, the stoning of the Shaytaan or the Remembrance of Allah when throwing pebbles at the Jamaarat are accurate..for without an iota of a doubt, the Shaytaan is an enemy of Allah and the believers, and our throwing of the pebbles epitomizes our complete abhorrence of every enemy of our Lord Most High, Most Majestic, Most Supreme.
Visit Medina after Hajj
To visit Madinah is not a Hajj or Umrah rite, but the unique merits of the Prophet’s city, his Mosque and his sacred tomb attract every pilgrim to visit it. There is no Ihram nor talbiyah for the visit to Madinah or the Prophet’s Mosque. The Prophet (peace be upon him) had great love for this city. He once said that "There is a cure for every disease in the dust of Madinah" (Al-Targhib).
Unique Merit of the Prophet’s Mosque. The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself participated in the construction of this mosque, called it "My Mosque" and led prayers in it for years. He has also said that a salah performed in the Prophet’s Mosque is better than a thousand salats in any other place except Masjid al-Haram in Makkah.
According to Hazrat Anas, the Prophet (peace be upon him) has also said:
"The person who offers 40 prayers consecutively in my Mosque, without missing a prayer in between, will secure immunity from the fire of Hell and other torments and also from hypocrisy." (Musnad Ahmad). The absolute vast majority of the good scholars and jurists do not hold the above quoted narration quoted by Ahmad and Tabarani to be authentic or believable.
Their absolute biggest argument is that many amongst the hypocrites at the time of the Prophet (saws) prayed hundreds if not thousands of their obligatory prayers in the Prophets Mosque in congregation behind the Prophet (saws) himself..but Allah declares in His Glorious Quran that He will never ever forgive them, nor save them from Hell Fire nor its punishment!
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verses 73-80:
73 O Prophet! Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell, an evil refuge indeed.
80 Whether thou (O Prophet (saws)) ask for their (the hypocrites) forgiveness or not (their sin is unforgivable!): if thou (O Prophet (saws)) ask seventy times for their forgiveness, Allah will not forgive them!: because they have rejected Allah and His Messenger; and Allah guideth not those who are perversely rebellious!
Obviously one will get a superior reward for praying in the Prophets Mosque.but the absolute majority of the good scholars and the jurists in Islam have not agreed with the above quoted hadith of Ahmad and Tabarani regarding the merits of the forty consecutive prayers in Madinah. And Allah Alone Knows Best.
Visiting the Holy Tomb. It is a great privilege for the pilgrims to visit our beloved Prophet’s tomb. The Prophet (peace be upon him) once said:
"The person who comes solely for the purpose of paying a visit to my grave, has a right on me that I should intercede for him." (‘Ilm al-Fiqh, Vol. V)
And he has also said:
"The person who performs Hajj and then visits my Tomb, will be regarded as though he had seen me in my worldly life." (Baihaqi)
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allahs Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone. May Allah forgive. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.
To visit Madinah is not a Hajj or Umrah rite, but the unique merits of the Prophet’s city, his Mosque and his sacred tomb attract every pilgrim to visit it. There is no Ihram nor talbiyah for the visit to Madinah or the Prophet’s Mosque. The Prophet (peace be upon him) had great love for this city. He once said that "There is a cure for every disease in the dust of Madinah" (Al-Targhib).
Unique Merit of the Prophet’s Mosque. The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself participated in the construction of this mosque, called it "My Mosque" and led prayers in it for years. He has also said that a salah performed in the Prophet’s Mosque is better than a thousand salats in any other place except Masjid al-Haram in Makkah.
According to Hazrat Anas, the Prophet (peace be upon him) has also said:
"The person who offers 40 prayers consecutively in my Mosque, without missing a prayer in between, will secure immunity from the fire of Hell and other torments and also from hypocrisy." (Musnad Ahmad). The absolute vast majority of the good scholars and jurists do not hold the above quoted narration quoted by Ahmad and Tabarani to be authentic or believable.
Their absolute biggest argument is that many amongst the hypocrites at the time of the Prophet (saws) prayed hundreds if not thousands of their obligatory prayers in the Prophets Mosque in congregation behind the Prophet (saws) himself..but Allah declares in His Glorious Quran that He will never ever forgive them, nor save them from Hell Fire nor its punishment!
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verses 73-80:
73 O Prophet! Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell, an evil refuge indeed.
80 Whether thou (O Prophet (saws)) ask for their (the hypocrites) forgiveness or not (their sin is unforgivable!): if thou (O Prophet (saws)) ask seventy times for their forgiveness, Allah will not forgive them!: because they have rejected Allah and His Messenger; and Allah guideth not those who are perversely rebellious!
Obviously one will get a superior reward for praying in the Prophets Mosque.but the absolute majority of the good scholars and the jurists in Islam have not agreed with the above quoted hadith of Ahmad and Tabarani regarding the merits of the forty consecutive prayers in Madinah. And Allah Alone Knows Best.
Visiting the Holy Tomb. It is a great privilege for the pilgrims to visit our beloved Prophet’s tomb. The Prophet (peace be upon him) once said:
"The person who comes solely for the purpose of paying a visit to my grave, has a right on me that I should intercede for him." (‘Ilm al-Fiqh, Vol. V)
And he has also said:
"The person who performs Hajj and then visits my Tomb, will be regarded as though he had seen me in my worldly life." (Baihaqi)
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allahs Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone. May Allah forgive. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.
From the I-net.
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