Skillfull Shytwans Islam (helps evil america 2b divinity helper unjust gods, taking shelter behind such crusading gigos)
I look at fate from a different perspective. it is clearly understood that besides hayat, mout, rizik, nikah which r in the hands of allah, for all other things human beings r individually responsible. So they thru niyah, amol, akhlak, iman etc. makes their own destiny. Wot Allah forewrites is, how we will choose our path 2 the Journey of destiny. it is a power of allmighty Allah 2 know the future n thus writing about our future not necessarily means dictating our complete fate.
It is blasphemy 2 accuse Allah of giving us conscious but not let us use it by overriding it, n also that he discriminates in allocating fates by making it hard for some 2 reach the same #s or sizes of goals as others. Astagfirillah.
PS: found the Piccard in twitter.