An ayah from qur'an.


The macho of america with a witty face. The brainwash of america with an ego bigger than this world, but who doesn't luv an womanizer in a country of big deal. used to b one of my favorites but that was then.

a really heart warming story of a true american dream survivor. a little warning thou for the muslim youths - its a giant rat race for duniya rewarded heavily to one once in a blue moon or more, chosen from out of 100s of millions tom cruises where millions loose out so heavily that there stories if collected & written by someone like ernest hemingway they would hav been a benchmark of the true & dangerously hidden ugly face of apparently seen all shine & glitters society, survival for the fittest but to who never explained & never told stories that to make one probably thousand hav to give themselves away not knowing y in a such a wealthy & resourceful society they hav to make such a massive sacrifice just for trying something they r good at! an unforgiving & ruthless god they hav, rite? and this sam means bizness! 

r we not glad as muslims to b in the middle path fearing none other than allahs rules in achieving purity, piety & peacefullness? neither rat races r permissable nor ruthless, unforgiving sams r allowed who spends billions to maintain clowns, both americans (in the embassies) & foreigns like bashar al asads. but, never made it to the charts johnny was a shooting star kinds can even find a little consolation from the one who took oath to primarily protect every americans from such ill fate & ensure never shud such mishap happen to another american again. they prefer rather to make it a volatile, unfriendly world instead, the policy which seems to hav become a religion after true rivals borises, to quasi rival ayatullahs, onto no threat to islamic ummah by instigating or trap setting evil lies & acts. all the time forgetting that their true threat lies inside their lost & not much morality trained young generations & the ignorance is growing towards the fallout of a generation. 

now back to muslim youths, also neither r we allowed the other extreme all rites forfeiting only a few elites know all, every major decisions centrally decided, control freak totalitarenian communist kind. bcoz it defies allahs given rite to every individuals to choose essentials of life & living, to speak freely, rites to ownership of assets, allow to use ones knowledge & common sense in his family/ social lifes critical decision & most importantly allow everyone to choose & practice faith etc.. so, while watching this or other similar foreign non belivers style uplifting the spirits stories, please keep in ur mind the virtues & wisdom of the biographies of prophet mohammad saw, his salafs, tabeins & the famous aulias who sunnahs & lifestyles guides us in the treacherous duniya thru the middle path upto jannah inshallah. and that is the only route to find the rite way not just a way, bcoz only truth satisfies allah. 

note: my dear americans do u think i m a bit too temperamental & passionate about MY lifestyle islam? isn't tom cruise is about america in top gun? mayb thats y i liked him bcoz its in line with mine. 


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